I Handle QSL's for the following calls
QSL INSTRUCTIONSI require that you provide appropriate SASE or SAE+ current IRC or SAE+greenstamp for direct mail return. ALL QSLs received without appropriate means for a return are answered via the bureau. I prefer multiple QSO's for each station to be placed on one QSL card in chronological order, especially those sent via any bureau. Example: you worked V85OO five times? Put all 5 QSO's on one card in date/time order. You'll save postage on direct mail! It will save me a lot of extra work, especially on bureau cards sent that way since many bureau cards get separated and I end up having to look up all QSO's separately. If they are all on one card, I can process them all at the same time. PLEASE! If you send your QSL via one route, do not send a duplicate QSL via another route. For example, if you send a card direct, please DO NOT also send a card via the bureau! This creates a lot of double work for me. Thanks! QSLs received via the W7 QSL bureau are answered 100% and are either answered via the ARRL outgoing QSL bureau or direct to specific QSL bureaus. However, QSL bureau cards are processed slowly. Be prepared to wait. Please, NO eQSL!
I am not prepared to handle QSL requests via email, however I welcome any
email inquiries.